An Invitation to Sponsor a Food Forest

For over a hundred years, Bellview Elementary School and the Bellview Grange have been neighbors. This fall, the 5th grade class at Bellview Elementary, volunteer members of the Bellview Grange, and 5th-generation farmer Chris Hardy of Hardy Seeds, will be working together to start a demonstration Food Forest on the quarter-acre plot that sits between the school and the Grange community center.

Turn This…

Into This…

The Food Forest project provides a hands-on experience for students to learn about pollinators, soil water, plant and seed biology.

The “multi-strata” garden of 50+ species of food-bearing trees, shrubs, vines, tubers and root crops that results will demonstrate for the whole community how even a small piece of land can be used to sequester carbon, create food system diversity, and provide nutritious locally-grown food.

Watching the food forest grow and change over the years will provide future 5th graders and the rest of our community with on-going opportunities to work with, learn from, and connect with nature.

The Bellview Grange is covering the costs for deer-proof fencing and will purchase the needed trees and other plants. What’s still needed is $4,000 to get the educational component of the project started—paying an educational consultant with agro-ecology expertise to work with faculty and students this year, plus providing needed classroom equipment like a few microscopes and some field supplies.
Here’s the opportunity:  You can become a sponsor for this legacy project with your one-time donation of $100, or by signing up to give $10/month as an on-going donation. All contributions, in any amount, are tax-deductible. 

Sponsors will be recognized with a “Food Forest Founding Friend” certificate, so consider giving a $100 in honor of someone you love, too! 

As the forest continues to grow, this project will pass from the out-going 5th grade class to the in-coming class each year. Please take this opportunity to be part of starting something beautiful and long-lasting that honors nature and brings the community together now and in years to come.

Make your donation today. Here’s how:

Visit the Ashland School Foundation website:
1.    Enter your donation amount.
2.    Add: “Bellview Food Forest” in the Comments box so funds go to this program.
3.    Enter your information and payment details and click the Donate Now button.
If you prefer to send a check:
1.    Make checks out to the Ashland School Foundation.
2.    Write: “for Bellview Food Forest” on the check
3.    Send your donation to:
   Ashland School Foundation
   c/o Bellview Food Forest
   100 Walker Ave
   Ashland, Oregon 97520

Thank you so much for your support!

1 thought on “An Invitation to Sponsor a Food Forest”

  1. This is so exciting and something we all could do in our own yards too!! Food for pollinators and for us! Thank you so much for doing this. This is a wave that should take over this country! This should take over the world!

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