Meet the SOPA Core Team
The Southern Oregon Pachamama Alliance community is inspired by the bold vision of the Pachamama Alliance. A core team of volunteers works to support the community’s dedication to that vision by organizing and presenting educational programs, connecting with and supporting local partner organizations with similar goals and visions, and donating time, energy or funds to community projects.
Cynthia Taylor

When I attended my first Awakening the Dreamer symposium, I felt I had landed in the perfect spot at the perfect time. The Pachamama Alliance vision statement is so aligned with my own personal goals of singing and working for peace, social justice and caretaking the Earth with love. Gratitude!
Ingrid Edstrom

My experience with Pachamama’s Game Changer Intensive course has empowered me to speak more confidently about important issues facing our world, and now I am teaching about these essential topics through the Accounting Alchemy Network. I also love that our local Pachamama community is so active and welcoming.
Wendell Fitzgerald

Over the many years I have participated on the SOPA core team the most valuable contribution the experience has made to my life is the certainty that what we do is in alignment with the purpose of encouraging humanity to choose to have its presence here be ecologically sustainable, socially just and spiritually satisfying. This purpose now informs the rest of my life’s activities.
Catie Faryl

I’m an artist, writer and community organizer showing artwork and making things happen to educate and add interest to many regional environmental projects. I joined the S.O.P.A many years ago because of its wonderful members and their efforts to promote doable climate actions, social justice viewpoints and to approach solutions creatively and with optimism.
Lorraine Cook

The three-fold purpose of Pachamama Alliance captured me. Imagine… “bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence.” It speaks to a hope my heart cherishes for us humans. Plus it has been great fun to get to know and work with so many wonderful beings in Southern Oregon.
Belle Bell

Being a member of the core team for the Southern Oregon Pachamama Alliance is a privilege. I am honored to be standing together with others and for a world, beginning with our community, that is bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence for our Rogue Valley we call home!
Lauren Oliver

Impressed by SOPA’s values-driven intersection of commitment to healing our environment, social justice and spiritual fulfillment, I was drawn to the founding event for the Core team. Then I was invited to teach our CircleCulture Tools for Cooperative Work as guiding practices for Core. I am privileged to participate in this dream being fulfilled!
Julie Caldwell

What I love about Southern Oregon Pachamama is how positive we are. We focus on solutions to difficult issues and embrace them with love, grace, joy, passion, and enthusiasm. We support each other’s dreams with heart, commitment, and resources. I love the way we bring our community together and get stuff accomplished … whether fundraising for others, providing educational opportunities, or offering each other spiritual friendship.
David Morse

I have been privileged to work with the dedicated SOPA family for the good of the Rogue Valley community….and way beyond. The team has added value to a world in need of Re-generation of Spirit and positive leadership toward more sustainable systems in this time of climate and other challenges.
Anya Kumara

Holding sacred space and attuning to all kingdoms of nature has been an important spiritual mission in my life. I’m delighted to connect with the community of Pachamama as a circle of committed beings who offer prayer and consciousness for the unfolding of a heartfelt change for Gaia and the unity of all beings on this earth.
Ask questions, volunteer and give us feedback by
emailing in**@**
or calling 541-482-0179
Copyright © 2025 Southern Oregon Pachamama Alliance