Love, Wonder, and Climate Action: Crafting a New Narrative

Pachamama Alliance hosted the powerful webinar Climate Convergence 2023 last month. In the context of that presentation on climate action and ending the climate crisis, a profound and inspiring theme emerged after a day of hearing from activists, professors, and Indigenous leaders alike: the power of love and story. While facing the catastrophic breakdown of our climatic systems and an overwhelming narrative of collapse, another story is unfolding — one that centers on the importance of awe and falling in love (over and over again) with the world.

Now, as part of Pachamama Alliance’s Resilience and Possibility series, a follow-up conversation noon-1 p.m. PT on Wednesday, Nov. 15, entitled Love, Wonder, and Climate Action: Crafting a New Narrative, will delve deep into this enchanting perspective. You are invited to join this conversation to hear potent messages from Alixa Garcia, Robin Wall Kimmerer, and Bill McKibben about the importance of awe, wonder, and the sheer miracle of being alive in this vast universe. This will be a participatory listening circle comprised of video highlights and a chance to reflect together in breakout sessions. 

Register now to receive the link to the free Nov. 15 discussion on Love, Wonder, and Climate Action: Crafting a New Narrative.

This call is part of Resilience and Possibility in These Times, a series of online offerings to support us all in staying connected to one another, to a vision for the future, and to the spirit of life in these times. Sign up to view conversations held in the past and to be notified of conversations in the future. 

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